🌛 50% OFF all courses BIRTHDAY SALE
Guess what?!
It’s that time again! I celebrate 39 years of dancing around our sun tomorrow which also means it’s time for my annual 50% OFF ALL MY COURSES birthday sale. The S A L E  is starting right now as I pressed send so if you want to scroll right down to what’s available, go ahead.
Growing older is such a luxury and honour. Every year I become more myself, stronger, softer, wiser, kinder, happier, I let go of and move with things easier. There’s a really powerful shift that happens when you embrace exactly where you are. No chasing other things/places/people. Not wishing things were different. Fully allowing yourself to be exactly where you are and celebrating the eternal motion of change and growth. I’ll write more on this soon but for now: I’m taking the weekend off.
I spent the first couple of months while the UK was in lockdown updating and moving all of my courses onto a fancy new digital platform that makes them 1000 x more fun and easier to access. All of these are self-study courses that begin the moment you sign up for them, that you can do in your own way and time. I notice that some like to gobble them all up like hungry little munchkins and others taste them, little by little over several weeks. You do you!

Please enjoy the S A L E by using the code ‘BIRTHDAY’ at the checkout.

INSTINCT: The practical guide to your intuition + the universe. A 15-day interactive video course with a simple method for accessing, trusting and acting on your intuition while addressing the key obstacle that stops you from following your souls’ path. £20 GBP now: £10 GBP. Learn more and register here.
AFFLUENT: Money mindset, management and manifestation for women. Affluent is a 22-part digital media course (think audio lessons, meditations and a very comprehensive workbook filled with practical exercises and tools) where smart women with big dreams go to rise up, get educated, make boss moves, and build wealth. £100 GBP now: £50. Enrol here.
SOVEREIGN: If you want to be liberated in your life, this class is for you. A 6-part video-based online class, teaching you how to recognise your limiting beliefs, blocks and patterns, and clear them using 4 simple steps.  £50 GBP now: £25 GBP. Sign up here.
MANIFEST MORE: The 6-step formula that works every time. An 8-week step-by-step roadmap for deliberately co-creating your life with your dreams and desires as your compass, and the universe supporting you, every part of the way. £70 GBP now: £35 GBP. Start here today.
THE HEARTFUL BIZ: Build a heart-led online business that really works. A 2-day digital video workshop — outlining exactly what I do, and how we run our intuitive, cyclical, heart-led businesses — created with my incredible friend Claire. Access is instant. $177 USD now: $88.50 USD. Join here.
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Love, love, so much love. I wish I could squeeze you so tight right now.
Vienda xo
P.S. The S A L E ends at midnight on my actual birthday on August 8 GMT, soooooooo that’s 48 hours from right now.

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