Late last year, I awoke from a dream, which contained all the content for one of my most popular coaching programs to date: #10WeeksofFree. I ran it for a second time earlier this year, and was graced with a group of the most stunning, beautiful souls one can imagine.
One of these was Tracey Gobey from The Bootstrap Assembly. So when this incredible, passionate and multi-creative woman sent her biggest turning-points and lessons from #10WeeksofFree, to me, I was totally blown away! And of course, I had to share her words with you. Behold:
A journey to Freedom: 10 learnings from #10WeeksofFree.
When Vienda sent a note out to ask for feedback on her #10weeksoffree program, I felt that a few generic statements back to her about my experience wasn’t enough. I wanted to share a richer story about how much the program has changed my life.
This was also the first time I ventured into this type of coaching. I am pretty good at signing up for business-related courses but this was a new zone for me. Typically anti anything that resembled woo-woo, I felt that I should try something different. I am so glad I did and I now think a little bit of woo-woo is a good thing.
Let me start by telling you a bit about myself. Throughout my life I have been incredibly successful at most things that I turned my hand to.
A tennis career that took me around the world and paid for my college education, a successful corporate career with promotions and more money than I cared to spend, a home owner by 26 (all on my own) and a great marriage to boot.
Seemingly I was ticking all the boxes we are supposed to tick. To add to all of this, my husband and I recently set out for an epic one year road trip around the USA, we are currently in month three in Texas after having explore the south-west, taking in amazing sights like the Grand Canyon, living in an adobe home in New Mexico and skiing Lake Tahoe (all off the sale of my apartment).
So, I’m good on paper right?!
But in spite of all this, I was stuck in a paralytic state of fear and uncertainty about what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life. You see the corner office, power suits and sky-high heels don’t really tick my boxes any more.
So what was my problem?
My problem, I am coming to learn is that I was not truly FREE.
“Freedom” or “being free” of course means different things to different people. For me, it was (and to some extent still is) a bit of a mental battle – I know what I want, I’m just not sure which path I want to take to get to it. Perhaps it is in this fact alone – all this choice, an abundance of options and opportunities that lies my greatest challenge. Finding my path to simplicity and alignment.
I don’t have it all figured out (I’m not sure we ever do), but I am in a more peaceful place and know that my journey through this crazy ride called life will be a lot smoother.
So when I think about my own freedom and how it has been impacted by my journey through #10weeksoffree, these are some of the learnings that are now guiding me. It is in little actions that I am learning to take every day, which are getting me closer to my version of free.

  1. That’s it 100% OK to not know all the answers and have solutions to everything straight away, all the time.
  2. That I can’t predict the future, I just have to live in the now and the rest will take care of itself. Worrying about the future doesn’t do anything but create pain and fear in the present. It’s so not worth the effort.
  3. That I do not have to solely value myself on the work I do, or the hours I spend doing it. I give value in every moment – it may be making a beautiful meal for a loved one, a kind word to a stranger, taking time out for myself. I am valuable – I am enough!
  4. That it’s OK to start things and sometimes not finish them. By nature I’m a creator and an explorer – these are my strengths and I should cherish them, work with them and not mark myself down on them.
  5. That I can make up my own rules. And know that when I follow them instead of other people’s idea of what I should be doing, I will be living a more authentic life.
  6. To always follow my fun. Do what makes me feel great and I enjoy…and not feel guilty about doing so.
  7. To let my feminine side have more of a say in how I live my life. I have been very successful in a male dominated world and if that’s not the type of world I want to live in anymore then I need to shift my attention – this means listening to my intuition more, to breathe instead of push through things, more calm less hustle.
  8. To be OK with making mistakes or not getting the exact result I wanted. That a failure should not mean giving up on something, but rather finding a new way or trying to do it a little differently.
  9. To allow myself the space and time to be still. To sit with feelings, fears and doubts and not try to find an immediate solution – let the universe do its magic in these times.
  10. To be OK with just saying “f**k it” and letting things go. One door closes and another will open – they always do, I know this, I just have to trust it more.
  11. I know I said 10, but who doesn’t like bonuses…I think I may have found my gypset tribe through this journey.

So that was #10weeksoffree for me. It was amazing journey (and continues to be) and opened up a whole new way of thinking and being for me.
*Those of you who have been asking me about when I am running #10WeeksofFree again, sign up for my newsletter to stay in the loop.*

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