Hello sweet loves!
Due to a rather busy schedule I’ve made 1 final video for the last 3 weeks of The Empowerment Project.
– passion
– drive
– lust for life; your souls yearnings
– you taking action towards your desires
– showing the universe that this is what you really want
– inspired forward motion
– the art of allowing
– trusting in the great food, the powers that be, the universe
– the universe conspiring to fulfill your desires
– what’s for you won’t pass you by
Unfortunately my camera decided to call it quits before I was quite done talking but I simply ended with my enormous gratitude to all of you who have come on this Empowerment journey with me over the past 12 weeks.
I have learnt such a lot, and love seeing how much you have all grown and expanded. In your own lives. I’m so blessed to be ale to share my life and work with you in this capacity and appreciate you more than words can say. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU!
Keep an eye out for a very special email in your inboxes to bring closure to this very special container that the 103 of us have created over the last three months which includes how the triple eclipse affected our transformation and what implications that has on our futures.
So much love always and forever,
Vienda xx

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