I’ve spent the past 12 years of my life, perfecting my own version of the gypset lifestyle. Which means that I’ve made tones of mistakes, I’ve experienced more than most people do in their lifetime, and I’ve learnt a lot.
It meant that there was a time that I hitchhiked from Italy, through Spain and into Portugal, to make it to my next festival gig, because my passport had been stolen. All by myself.
It means that I’ve been proposed to, several times, and in the end, my answer was no. Because I didn’t share enough of the same values with the beloveds that wanted my promise and my hand. Because I wanted something else, someone other, than conventional. Something extraordinary.
It means I’ve started a business that failed and lost $30,000 in the process.
It also means that from those ashes and tears, I learnt and grew, and created a business that blossomed. One that I love.
Which is how I stand before you now. With all of this to share with you. And a collation of all the questions you ever asked me.
So I created something wonderful.
Gypset Mindset Class. For creatives, adventurers + Bon Vivants.
A set of 6 live, mentoring classes, that guide you through the process of creating your own gypset life.
Find out more about them here.

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