Photographer: Maja Jakobsson

Last week I was lucky enough to attend the Heart Song Heart Dance concert in Paddington as I was invited by a friend of mine Mel who is a musician with her partner Kevin James of Heart Songs. The event was organised by Stephanie Cranford of My Heart Space Blog and included Danish beauty Deva Talasi who lead the Heart Dance.

I have to admit, at first a was a little curious as to what exactly this would be about, however in a very short time it became clear that we were all gathered together to share in love, both for ourselves and for others. The experience was wildly confronting in a very special and beautiful way. I hadn’t interacted and connected with people is this manner in such a long time! And it happened to be exactly what I needed, it opened me up and allowed me to love openly without constantly being concerned that my love may be misinterpreted. Loving me is loving you is loving me and so on!

I watched men hug for enormous stints of time, women wept with love and joy as we honestly and openly looking into each others eyes and connected with our souls and bodies (touching hands and hugging), and enormous healing was created within this Heart Song Heart Dance journey. It was such a perfect surprise to stumble into this loving workshop and I am enormously grateful that life guided me there.

If you live in Sydney and are interested in getting involved with more heart-opening events and people go check out Stephanie Cranford’s site My Heart Space Blog.



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