Surely you’ve heard of Connie Chapman before, but just in case you haven’t, let me get you up to speed.
I met Connie a few years ago when I lived in Sydney, and we both were just baby bloggers with a big vision and passion. We met for green juices, talked WordPress and shared insights into becoming fully-fledged life coaches and successful entrepreneurs.
I guest-posted for her a couple of times here and here, she gave me a mention in this post that I LOVE, and then last year Connie interviewed me for Awaken Radio here.
And now, I’d like to share with you her 90 Day Transformation Project! Watch our video below to find out more.
Apologies for the sound quality; I’m in India and didn’t realise the sounds would travel so sharply! I need to find someplace soundproof for the future.

I actually did this program myself, the first time Connie ran it two years ago, and I’m excited to be speaking with you about intuition, spirit and heart connection, and breaking through fears and resistance by being present and moving your attention form the head to the heart, in one the modules of The 90 Day Transformation Project this year.
The 90 Day Transformation Project starts in 2 weeks on the 1st of March 2014 and is open for registration now. Just click here for more info and to enrol into the program.
Happy love day to you my angel!

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