Starting tomorrow, Hayley Carr and I are taking you on an All Access Instagram Adventure.
We can’t wait to have you join in. Just follow us on Instagram, use the hashtags #GypsetAdventure.
We can’t wait to see what you share with us!
Join me for 10 days on an All Access Instagram Adventure.
Day 1: She is Confident.
In order for you to have the life that you desire, you must believe you are worthy of it. And guess what? You are. The first step to being confident is to back yourself.
Today, it’s time to make a decision and never go back.
Your first Activity is to upgrade something. It doesn’t matter if its your knickers, where you shop your food, a friendship, or simply a belief, make the decision to upgrade it, and never go back.
Take a photo of your upgrade and share it with us, using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
Day 2: She is Free.
Be unapologetic and confident about your desires. This is about clearing and releasing. Your life is your life and no-one else’s. Do not ever let other people’s limitations dictate your experience.
Today, your challenge is to tell someone your vision for your own gypset freedom-fuelled life. Do not hold back, and do not change the way you say it, or play it down based on who you tell.
Before you do it, remind yourself that it is OK to dream, and, everyone can do it. Remind yourself that being unapologetic is being of service to the world. By you being unapologetic, you give others permission to do the same.
Be a lighthouse.
When you’re done, take a photo of and share it with us, using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
Day 3: She Makes Money.
How much money you make is directly correlated to how worthy you feel about money.
Today is a very special challenge. We invite you to step into a creative and pondering mindset about your life as it is.
What are the things that you are really good at, or, that you do all the time,, or, that comes naturally to you?
Could you charge money for this? Or, are there other people who do?
Take a photo of yourself doing this thing, or, a representation of it, and share it with us, using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
We want to see your skills!
Day 4: She is Organised.
Organisation is an essential stepping stone to your freedom. But what is your definition of organised? Because for some people, getting more organised (by their own definition) means a pile of work, and a distraction from what’s important.
But true organisation is simply knowing what your life’s priorities are, and working everything – absolutely everything – around that.
What’s the number one thing in your life, that when this is taken care of, everything else falls into place, and when it’s not, life feels chaotic?
Take a photo of you doing that thing today, schedule it in every single day as your number one priority, and watch what happens to you life.
Don’t forget to hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
Day 5: She Has Time.
Many of us spend precious time doing things that are not important, and wasting time on things that don’t fulfil or support us.
Today we want you to embody a different way of spending your time. Ask yourself; ask your body: What is it that I need right now?
And do that. No excuses.
Share a photo with us, showing what you you have been guided to do, using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
We want to see your creativity.
Day 6: She is Magnetic.
“You get what you focus on. What you focus on expands.”
When you are in complete alignment -through your beliefs, your actions, and your words with exactly what you want, consider it written. It is then your job to make your entire environment conducive to that.
Todays challenge, you have a choice. Do what will work best for. Either make a vision board of your dream life, or, write down in detail, what a day in your dream life looks like, and hang it somewhere prominent for you to see at every opportunity.
Bonus points: Make this your desktop screensaver too. Take every opportunity to flood your subconscious mind with reminders and inspiration.
Take a photo of your visions in action – hung up, and share it with us, using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
Day 7: She is Grounded.
“Feeling at home doesn’t need stuff. Home is only ever within you.”
It’s a common misconception that being grounded requires the same ground to stand upon, or some material object that grounds you.
But it’s the feeling of being at home that makes the difference, not the thing that gives you the feeling.
Todays challenge is a pondering one. And it’s very important to nail – for your own happiness. Ask yourself what makes you feel at home? Take a photo of it, and share with us how you will create the feeling this object or thing gives you, within you, wherever you go.
For example, something that makes both of us feel at home is a cup of tea. That’s something you can access anywhere.
Share your photos using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag us: @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
Day 8: She is Radiant.
Your radiance is not just an external factor. It is what you radiate in every area of your life. When you take care of your mind, body and soul, you emanate radiance throughout your business, relationships, adventures, passions and every-day life.
Even though it may feel selfish, pick something that nourishes your mind, body or soul, and share it with us.
Say YES to yourself and your dreams by nourishing your radiance every day. Add it to your to do list and practice making yourself a priority.
Remember to use the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
Day 9: She is Love.
When you love someone, or something, what you are feeling is your own expression of what you are. Love!
Today we want you to become aware of the love in your life. Firstly the love you feel and cultivate for yourself. Ad secondly the love you feel and cultivate in your world around you.
Today’s task is two-fold: First, do something that cultivates your own self-love:
Maybe its a walk somewhere, while you peacefully notice the elements on your skin, or your toes in the sand, a meditation in your chair noticing the feeling of your clothes on your body, a self-massage with coconut oil after a bath, taking note of the feeling of your muscles between your fingers.
Then, choose to tell someone you love, just how much they mean to you. It could be a love letter, a sweet note, words, or a text message. Share your love in whatever way feels good to you.
And remember to share it with us, using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun! We want to see your creativity.
Day 10: She is Ready.
Feeling scared and full of resistance?
That’s normal. But we know you are ready. Ready to live a location independent lifestyle. Ready to do work that is meaningful and impactful. Ready to fall in love with yourself. Ready to live your dreams.
Today’s challenge is to take a massive leap in your life. Something that you have been wanting to do for a while.
For example:
- Have a conversation you have been avoiding.
- Book a flight to an exotic destination.
- Sign up, and join us, for The Gypset Adventure.
We can’t wait to see how you fulfil today’s challenge! Make sure you share it with us, using the hashtag #gypsetadventure and tag @viendam & @hayleycarrtv so we can follow along with the fun!
We are so excited to share this adventure with you, and see what beautiful, insightful and thoughtful posts you share with us!
Photography by Eyes of Love.