Remember this from the end of last year? Well, here are the long awaited results! Some of you have been asking so I know you are just as curious to find out as I am!

  1. Remember to breathe. I’ve gotten so much better at taking time out….
  2. Bake. For my friends. I love to bake and haven’t done so for hmmm… at least a year now. I want to make decadent, delicious cakes and cookies for the people I love.  Done! Here are the recipes 1, 2 & 3.
  3. Tune into presence. All the time. Sit in my sweet spot and trust. GETTING SO GOOD AT THIS xx
  4. Finish stitching, beading and creating the leather handbag I started making in London in 2008. I didn’t event start….
  5. Read more books than last year…. YES, in fact I’ve read 18 books this year! Here are some of them.
  6. Go to L’etoile in Paddington. TICK! Thank you Allen for this one …. you are an angel.
  7. Eat less sugar. I’ve fallen off the sugar-free wagon a little since Christmas and I need to get back on it. I feel so much better when I’m not consuming sugar. It’s a lifestyle choice now, I avoid sugar as much as I can on a daily basis but don’t beat myself about it if I have some.
  8. Spend a weekend in Melbourne. Didn’t happen…
  9. Go to Burning Man in late August. Also didn’t happen because I didn’t get a ticket in their ticket lottery, but I went to Boom Festival in Portugal instead!
  10. Spend a month in New York. Maybe next year!
  11. Travel through South America from the bottom up ending my journey at the Rainbow Gathering in Guatemala in December. I’ve unexpectedly been traveling through Europe the past 5 months, but still have Mexico set in my sights… Who knows what might happen!
  12. Write an e-book/ course. I’ve been writing…it’s coming!
  13. Write at least two guest posts per month. (So far so good, I’ve had one published this month with another scheduled coming up)  YES! Though it’s been more like 1 a month….
  14. Meet the most fascinating, inspirational people that I have ever encountered. ALWAYS xx
  15. Be a better friend. (Sometimes I am terrible at keeping in touch and showing how much I care …. I want to do so more.) I believe so….
  16. Get clear on what is important in my life and welcome people who share the same values. This has been a bit blurry at the edges….I think I need to get clearer here!
  17. Fall in love. I did. And I also learnt that falling in love is a choice, not just something you tumble into. It’s not all chemistry & hormones….you have to make a real life choice. Unfortunately this time I had to choose no….
  18. Go gently. Don’t be so hard on myself. YES! And ditto to the next 4 below:
  19. Practise the art of allowing.
  20. Life harmony is not the same as life balance. I don’t have to have all the balls in the air at the same time.
  21. Listen more slowly.
  22. Tell more stories.
  23. Write to my grandparents at least once a month. I know it means so much to them. My grandfather died in April and I went to visit my grandmother in Austria in September… That’s better than writing.
  24. Sell all the designer clothes that I never wear. And spend the money on something I really, really love! No…
  25. Commandeer an iPad. I gifted myself one…which is not quite commandeering…
  26. Go to Officeworks and stock up on notepads. My collection of scribbled on papers scattered across my room is starting to move from charming chaos to enigmatic mess.
  27. Manage my time a little more efficiently. (Plan without planning – if that’s at all possible! The trouble is, my nature rejects schedules and plans … I kind of have to trick myself with this one!) Still working on this one….
  28. Break up with social media.It’s not you – it’s me! Let’s just be friends and hang out sometimes, rather than spending every single minute together! (You’re suffocating me!) I’ve radically cut down and only use it for growing my connections and business…
  29. Over the winter, watch all the films that I keep getting recommended and never see. I think this one needs a list. Any movie-buff-list-makers out there who want to help? Email me!
  30. Perfect the back-walker. I can go back. But I can’t seem to quite kick over yet. Soon. TBC!
  31. Get over my body image issues once and for all. Gulp. This one is scary. (Let’s practice a little radical self-love shall we!) YES! Finally :)
  32. Stretch myself. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Try new things. Yes, but really am craving more yoga…
  33. Be more compassionate and understanding. We are all humans after all. Easy!
  34. Host a dinner party. Complete with fairy lights and candles and live music and chocolate gateau. It was a grand success and I was so thrilled! Can’t wait to do it again.
  35. Learn about wine. Still not…
  36. Organically, gracefully and easily develop my business so it flourishes and is successful on all levels. It’s happening but more slowly than I’d like….. I’d need some help I feel….
  37. Allow lots of space for the unexpected. Always…..
  38. Slow down. Getting there…slowly! Ha!
  39. Play with children, more than I have been. Not so much….
  40. Kiss a man with a moustache. Just for the experience. Totally did this, I came with the falling in love experience. And I miss him….
  41. Relax. Allow my body to fully relax. I feel relaxing is a continuous learning process…I can always relax a little bit more! As is No.41 below….
  42. Let go. Of control. Of knowing the outcome. Of expectations. Everything. I’m quite good with this but imagine how amazing life would be if I completely let go of trying to control it. If just showed up, did my part, shared my sparkle and let what ever may happen, happen. Wow! Just the idea blows my mind. 
  43. Go to Tetsuya’s in the city. No.
  44. Ride the rides at Luna Park with my sister and take loads of photos of our silliness. No.
  45. Make green smoothies. I know they’re good for me. I even like them. But I’m just not making them. Really got into them this year and felt the benefits permeate every nook of my body and soul… LOVE green smoothies! Here’s a recipe of one I loved.
  46. Remember not to take life too seriously. YES!
  47. Practise my Spanish. Desperately need to do this, it’s getting embarrassingly awful!
  48. Write a loooong letter to my mama about everything. She doesn’t know me at all. Maybe she never will but I can try! SO WORTH IT! 
  49. Make peace with my ex. I really hope he speaks to me again one day and we can be friends. I guess breaking someones heart makes them not want to talk to you anymore. I think we did make up… Kind of.
  50. Enjoy each moment as it comes. Feel the width and the breadth of it. Taste it. Smell it. Be in it. YES! It’s an ongoing project….
  51. Figure out how I can monetize my talents. Seek out someone practical who can help me. I need a second brain for this. Ammm so …. anyone? Have done so but need more strategy & assistance…
  52. Buy socks. Done. Twice.
  53. Write every single one of my friends a love letter and send it via post. With stamps and everything. Amazing! I did write letters and post them to 7 friends. It’s a start!
  54. Print this insane listomania out and put it somewhere I can see it so I actually remember to do all these things. Done
  55. Figure out how to use all of my flying points with different airlines and hotels to the best of my advantage. I have no idea and it’s all so confusing. I need help from someone who is good with numbers and details. Both things that I detest. (I’m one of those people who still uses their fingers to count. Yes. I know.) STILL HAVE NO IDEA!!!
  56. Go for a long weekend away to Byron Bay. Ammm I spent a day there. Does it count?
  57. Convince my landlady to put me on a rolling lease. I really hate stiff contracts. They make me feel uneasy. It’s like clipping my wings. I moved house instead….
  58. Go to a sex toy shop with my sister and check out the goods without acting like a demented teenager. Really. I shouldn’t be embarrassed about these things anymore. Yet to accomplish!
  59. Create the MOST AMAZING COSTUME EVER for Secret Garden festival in March. With face paint, warrior-fairy style. And a leopard print kimono. It was pouring so the outfit became obsolete but I had a ball dancing in the rain!
  60. Be still. Allow more stillness into my life. YES! Also an ongoing project…
  61. Spend my money more consciously. Don’t buy crap. Buy beautiful things that last a long time. And less of them. Spend my money on things I really value. (I can be a tad frivolous at times!) DONE! Same for the following 4 points below….
  62. Don’t think too much.
  63. Don’t think about what other people might think. It really doesn’t matter.
  64. Have fun. All the time. (I do this anyway but there’s no harm in reminding myself.)
  65. Go on an exclamation mark detox!!!!! They seem to creep into everything I right far more than is appropriate.
  66. Proof read my writing a bit more before I publish. Euch! It’s that whole attention to detail thing! I hate it. Erm, this still hasn’t been accomplished. I accept that as one of my lovable flaws…
  67. Have at least one afternoon/evening totally to myself per week. I need time alone to recharge. YES!!
  68. Discover new intricacies about the people I call my friends. I love exploring the people in my life.
  69. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to fail. Move through and past those fears. Do it and see what happens. Either way it’s a wonderful learning experience.
  70. Convince my employers to gift me with a new iPhone. Because I deserve it. I am my employer now, and well, I’m a little difficult to convince nowadays…something about expenses & income having to be proportionate or something….
  71. Go through my inbox and file and tidy and organise the 1000’s of emails that are making life a little convoluted. YES!
  72. Practise gratitude the moment my mind wanders into a realm of complaint. And any other time. It works so good and makes life amazing. YES, YES & YES!
  73. Communicate my feelings and thoughts more clearly. Face to face. In spoken words. The bane of my existence….in the face of confrontation I loose it….I stop communicating…something I’d really like to change….
  74. Cry if I feel like it. Things sometimes are worth crying over. Give myself the permission to feel my emotions and then get over it. I tend to skip straight to the get-over-it part. The feeling part is important too. Definitely accomplished.
  75. Take the time to sit down and write more. Often I write while also doing 20 other things at the same time. Little inspirations come to my mind and I jot them down; my mornings often involve me bouncing between the bathroom and the notebook on my bed. Perhaps if I took the time to sit down with them I could take it a little deeper. The again if I wait to write when I have time, the thoughts may have already passed. It’s like trying to capture a cheeky pixie. Very slippery. I give myself a tick for this one…it may not have been consistent but it happened!
  76. Hold his hand. ‘Cause I like it. I’m obligation free. It’s just a gesture of affection. Another yes which went along with the whole falling in love thing….
  77. Don’t cut my hair. At all. Not even once this year. Just to experiment and see what happens. I had it cut twice, from friends who are hairdressers. I couldn’t say no!
  78. Make a dream catcher from dried vines, wool, shells and semiprecious stones and feathers I have collected over the past 10 years of my travels. I still want to do this…
  79. Allow myself to move from super groomed to a little more wild again. I’m tired of the common “Sydney” look. I’m breaking free.
  80. Have a really beautiful dinner with my dearest friends for my birthday. Complete with sparklers and birthday cake and lots of wine. I didn’t have a birthday this year…I’m saving it for another time…which means I’m actually still 30 FYI!
  81. Learn how to dance with a man.
  82. Do something really super romantic and wonderful at least once a month.
  83. Fly a kite.
  84. Go sailing or on some kind of boat trip. Cause I love it.
  85. Have more real, deep and meaningful conversations. I hate small talk and mostly I just move away from it. Perhaps if I could engage people to communicate a little deeper I could stay in the conversations for longer. YES!
  86. Be more accepting of others. I’m an idealist. A philosopher. A dreamer. I expect everyone else to be this way too. But I realise they’re not. And that’s ok. YES!
  87. Have patience. With life. With outcomes. With myself. With others. Things often just need time. YES!
  88. Host a Mad Hatters Tea Party. We can all be Alice. I’ll try to find some magic mushrooms. Still on my Definitely To Do List. I did find magic mushrooms though.
  89. Define exactly what I want my life to look and feel like. Get clear on it. Write it out and go live life on my own terms. Use my imagination and then go beyond even that. High aspirations. No expectations. Must Do This!
  90. Tell all the people I admire, how and why I admire them. They inspire me and deserve to know so.
  91. Go on lots of picnics.
  92. Stop checking Google Analytics stats quite so much, my monthly excel spreadsheet is truly quite sufficient. Focus on what’s actually important instead. (Building an Empire of Revolutionary Love). Yep, it’s under control!
  93. Write down my dreams as soon as I awake. Something magical might come out of them.
  94. Learn how to make chocolate soufflé. I still want to learn this….
  95. Write a gig review. Just to try it out and see if I can do it. It seems daunting and intimidating but I go to so many festivals and music gigs, it’s certainly a valuable skill I could develop.
  96. Experiment. With everything. Always!
  97. Go on a road trip without a destination in mind. Discover new and wonderful places.
  98. Hula hoop lots more and learn some really cool tricks I can show off at parties. (Perhaps buy a hula hoop so I can do this).
  99. Read every single Dr Seuss book ever written. Not quite but I went to Dr Seuss a exhibition instead which was AMAZING!
  100. Make at least one video blog aka vlog for this year. Get help with the post-production so it looks AMAZING! I still want to do this…and the next 9 are yet to be completed too….
  101. Go to Confest at Easter and present some workshops ….. on topics not yet decided.
  102. Do a flash-mob-dance-off.
  103. Stay awake all night and watch the sunrise at the beach. And then skinny dip in the ocean.
  104. Minimise my collection of belongings. Do I really need all those books and things? Less is more I say.
  105. Burn my journals and notebooks from the past 10 years (after I’ve copied out all the juicy stuff).
  106. Blow bubbles in the park and play with glitter and take photos of these little moments of joy and amusement.
  107. Create a photo album of my life for my family.
  108. Sell all the 100’s of pieces of jewellery that I have collected to sell from my travels over the past few years.
  109. Wear more accessories. Aiming to look like a pirate crossed with a nymph.
  110. Expand my music collectionOpen my ears to new and wonderful sounds. Try out something new.
  111. Go for walks along the beach in the winter, even when it’s cold. LOVED THIS!
  112. Trust in the process of life. It is truly very amazing and magical, even when my mind tries to conjure up ridiculous ideas of defeat. Getting so good at this! Yay!

How did your dreams come into fruition this past year? x

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