Yesterday I was sitting on the sofa at my friend’s house reading an article about choosing to be mediocre. It touched me: someone had started to formulate the words around something that I too, have been sensing.
The past few months have been filled with this push-pull and it seems to be everywhere. Ads are screaming at me to want more: more money, more success, a thinner body, deeper spiritualism, holier thoughts, nicer things.
Paradoxically, at the same time I’m selling my course Manifest More.
The second word: ‘more’ encapsulates it all: that whatever you’re manifesting, maybe it’s not enough, and see, here I’ll teach you how to reach for more. Funnily, manifesting is the paradox of wanting more and concurrently knowing that what you have is enough.
I teach how limitless and expansive life is and how easy it is to reach for the things that you desire. I teach it because I mean it. I know that we truly are limitless and that we can create anything we want in our lives because there is no real separation between wanting and having except for what we believe.
What is funny is, that the better I’ve become at manifesting and the more I understand this co-creative relationship with the universe the less I want.
More. More isn’t important anymore. Because I’ve learned that it’s actually so easy to ask for more and want more and get more. What you get through registering for Manifest More is the experience that having more is effortless and reachable. You start recognizing your own magnetism. You begin attracting your desires with ease. And when you get to that place you stop wanting more.
You start wanting just enough. And notice how much you are already readily receiving. What you get is a new perspective and encounter with yourself and your life.
Learn more and join us (140+ enthusiastic folk and counting) for Manifest More.