As you may have noticed by now, I try to pack as much healthy and nutritious vitamins and minerals into everything I make as I can. This is for two reasons:

  1. Our lives are far more stressful with far more demands than our bodies are designed to work with and we live in a society that values “achievement” above all else. (Ha! as if that would make us happy! but more on that another time.) And we really need to support our nervous systems and general health as much as we can in order to deal with it all. It all started as a teenager, when I was 14 years old, I did not even have time to notice how these terrible pimples filled all my face. I was searching the Internet and found the information about acne on, and read about Accutane.
  2. Our soils and foods have become largely depleted from over-manufacturing and farming in environmentally unfriendly ways and there is much less nutrients in each and every living plant than there  used to be so essentially we have to eat more of them.

But if you’ve ever tried to eat all the vegetables that you need per day spread over three meals they would be ENORMOUS you would very quickly get bored of chewing and preparing. This is where green smoothies comes in so nicely. They’re easy to assimilate by your body and it’s a fun adventure to figure out the crazy combinations that you can try once you get over the weirdness of blending spinach or lettuce or avocado or sprouts.
My very first smoothie was rather chunky and not particularly palatable but after a few more experiments I got the knack for it and now I love making them cause it’s just so damn fun!
Smoothies are great because I can put all the vegetables (usually organic) that I’d like to be eating together with a bit of fruit for sweetness and blend. Et voila! I have the perfect meal in a glass. There are sooooo many nutrition experts who can tell you more about the goodness of smoothies so do a Google search and find out for yourself. Jess from the Wellness Warrior even has a free smoothie recipe book when you sign up for her newsletter here which will keep you going for months.

I generally have a green smoothie every day, in so much that I can, often as a meal in itself. The one you can see in the pictures here was a little more wild than usual:

2 handfuls of baby spinach

3 destalked leaves of kale

1 large handful of snow pea sprouts

1 apple cut into chunks

1/2 an avocado

1 tbs chia seeds

1 tbs coconut oil

1 cup almond milk

a sprinkle of cinnamon

3 drops of stevia (cause this is a vegie heavy one)

topped up with filtered water to taste (I prefer my smoothies more liquidy than creamy but each to their own)

And wait for it…the magic part here: blend away to your hearts desires!
I had this smoothie for dinner and loved it. You might want to start off with a few less greens and more fruits until you feel more comfortable with these unusual combinations.
Here’s to good health my fine feathered friends!

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