I often receive emails from wonderful women who are embarking on making massive changes in their lives, transforming their entire world view and creating miracles. Every now and then, when we are facing huge a revolution in ourselves we come up to blockages. This I where I come in with my coaching services and help you keep moving in the direction that your heart and soul yearns for. I’ve kindly been given permission to share the following scenario with you of an incredibly passionate and successful woman who is about to quit her current terms of employment and follow her love and intuition.
My issue is that my employer appears to making some decisions that will keep me from achieving my goal in a timely manner. The decisions are unjust and I exploring my alternatives.
Go to developing world to set up centers and help people develop micro-businesses that fill drastic needs in environmental quality (ie; water and sanitation)
My Target Before Embarkation:
I wanted to save $40,000 to support me as I go and to use to help the projects when needed.
Rent out my house.
Study for and take my Professional Engineering exam in Oct 2013 (I have applied and paid for it already).
Alternatives to Generate Income (besides this job):
I have recently gotten a journalist gig that will pay me, but I have yet to get established in that role.
I have 2 blogs, one of which a company wants to post an ad on. I am negotiating with them though, because I have to trust a product or service before I will be willing to post an advertisement.
I am good with GIS mapping and data analysis, so I could start offering those services as an independent contractor.
I have a non-profit and am one step away from making it into a 501(c)3 (which would enable me to offer tax deductions to US-citizens who contribute).
My Questions For You:
Do I need $40,000 to be able to make it on my own in the developing world indefinitely?
Do you have any suggestions for things I could start doing to make money remotely?
Given your life experience, and what you know of me… what would you do if you were me?
Do you know of any one who is doing similar work to that which I want to start doing in the developing world?
Any thing else you have to say would be incredibly appreciated…..
This was my reply:
My intuitive feeling here is that there’s something deeper at play that you might want to look into, which is some kind of blockage from your goals flowing. This is coming in the form of your employer making decisions that are keeping you from moving forward. If I was you I’d look for the energetic source of those blockages within yourself and clear them before taking any “external/physical world” steps.
Money wise, it really depends on how you want to travel and live. If you live like a local you can easily live on $100 – $200 per week in developing countries including rent. It’s easy to find rental places for $200 – $250 per week that are basic but lovely. If you’re renting your house and have other incomes then you don’t have much to worry about.
When it comes to anything, I personally always just take the leap and trust that life had got my back. Which it always does! There’s never a right time and you’re never ready till you do it.
With regards to environmental projects, I actually met a girl yesterday who organises volunteer projects around water conservation, hygiene etc in Nicaragua. She is currently reworking the website but here is the old one Nicacan.org. She might be able to point you in a good direction.
I personally feel that you are tuning into the fear part of you instead of the love and trust part of you which is bringing up blockages. This is perfectly normal when you are about to embark on something brand new and groundbreaking in your life. It comes with the territory and is simply a reminder that you are growing and breaking though some limiting belief systems which is GREAT! Be still, tune into yourself and follow your heart, not the fears or worries. It’s okay to feel uncertain and scared, just observe and allow those feelings and thoughts to pass. Because they will.
Wishing you all the best!
Vienda x
Can you relate to this situation? Where have you been stuck before, when wanting to move forward in a new direction in your life? Are you looking for or needing support in a specific area in your life? Get in touch: studio@viendamaria.com.
Congrats Vienda! You’re definitely making some great progress yourself :-) Lots of love from Switzerland
Lisa! So lovely to hear from you and thank you for your sweet words. Sending you lots of love xxx