by Vienda | 5 Feb 2013 | Travel + Freedom
As those of you who have been following me for a while would know, I left my sanctity of a sweet little life in Sydney in July 2012, after two and a bit years of being settled, to follow my heart and whims back to life on the road again.
It’s been almost 7 months and what a roller coaster of a journey it has been! Instead of heading straight to South America, as I had originally thought, due to unexpected circumstances I ended up roaming around Europe until mid December 2012, working, catching up with friends and fortifying the foundations from times gone past.
The universe is always much wiser than I so I followed the signs and flow and ended up writing, working and learning my way through Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Austria and Holland, where I was living for about three months under the most unusual circumstances. I like to call this period of my life the “falling in love with a schizophrenic” phase. It was very drugs, sex and rock n’ roll… And one day soon I’m finally going to write a memoir about it. You’ll love it, I promise!
After a few more weird and scary experiences I ran away to Prague, where I spent 10 days mending my heart and soul, and revising my goals and values amongst the gold, red and bright orange leaves of autumn and spectacular architecture that makes up this incredible city. My memories of Prague are incredibly sweet and romantic, though I spent the entire time completely on my own, barely speaking to the staff of my hotel, nor the endearing ladies at the nearby farmers market, as I tried to trace where I had gone wrong and got myself into such confronting situations in the past month.
I then was gracefully taken in by a very close friend, who set me straight, gave me some tough love and sent me back out into the world after caring for me and feeding me for two weeks in Leipzig. After a Berlin techno party to shake off the remaining dust from the past months on a Friday night in mid November, I flew to the UK to do some work and catch up with friends. By mid December I knew I had to make a decision. Stay in London for Christmas or choose a new destination.
So three days before my departure, I booked a one way ticket to Cancun, Mexico. Finally I was getting closer to my intended destination! Since then life has been and incredible roller coaster of miracles, just as I know and love it to be.
I spent my first four days in Mexico in a house that belongs to the Princess of Yemen, and then travelled to the archaeological ruins of Palenque where I met my friend and soul sister and current gypsy companion, Lily. Since we’ve joined our journeys we’ve attracted adventure like a pair of thrill-seeking minxes: we celebrated Christmas in San Cristobal, then went to Tulum for New Years where we were very kindly invited to camp on an empty $7 million dollar piece of land with its own private beach by a pirate who currently had the position of caretaker over the land. We celebrated in style at a party in an Eco-resort where I ran into a friend whom I haven’t seen in 6 years. A few days later we were given free entry to one of the world’s biggest house music parties: the BPM Festival in Playa del Carmen after having a business meeting with one of the DJ’s who was playing there, and ended up perching ourselves in a mansion that a friend and his entourage had hired, that they generously shared with us.
After four days of dancing we desperately sought the sanctity of quiet beach life and returned to Tulum, only to be inundated with party-goers who had the same thoughts. One morning we both awoke and realised: it was time to go. We packed up, booked a bus to Belize city and moved our coterie south that very day. Belize is a strange country, both lusciously beautiful and yet dark and curious; there is a dark undercurrent that touches everyone and everything due to being on the cocaine route that plagues much of the coast from South to North America and back again. It’s been a fascinating journey as we discover and explore what this country has to offer and it’s secret and hidden underbelly beneath the tropical allure.
Now we are heading further south. As we are both working at a festival called Envision in Costa Rica at the end of February, the plan is to make it down there over the next two weeks, so right now we are in transit. As you are reading, I’m on my way to Nicuaragua, overland via Honduras, apparently one of the most violent and dangerous countries in the world, and on the same day as the launch of my new digital guide Build Your Own Business Blog, as if life isn’t exciting enough already! But I know we are safe, protected as only professional gypsies can be, by being naive and innocent and aware and street smart, all at the same time!
Which brings me to why I love sharing my life with you:
I share all my thoughts, lessons and journeys with you for one reason: I want to encourage you; and inspire and ignite in you the fire and passion to live life on your own terms. We all have a choice. We are all free. I implore you to break free of your social conditioning, the should and shouldn’t, the way you were told things are and truly be yourself and live your life you own way.
In no way do I decree to have all the answers, know the best way for you or have a fool-proof method of how do do this. Every day I make mistakes, every day I recreate myself and my life; every single day I stand at the ledge of my existence and scream back at my echo, asking “Life, do what you will with me! Show me and guide me!”. And every single moment I am guided and protected to shown exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
Every single day I choose to make a new choice and to live life on my own terms. And I am free. And I am alive. And I know this life is worth living because I I fling myself into its arms and receive back alchemy. I love observing what magic I can conjure through my thoughts, beliefs and actions in my every day life. I love being a part of life and yet, simultaneously an observer of life. This is why I love sharing my life with you. Because I am indulgent enough to believe we all have the choice and the freedom to create the lives we want and dream of. And because I want it for you.
by Vienda | 19 Dec 2012 | Travel + Freedom
After 5 months of gyspsie-travel, working, writing and putting on workshops throughout Europe I’ve flown across the Atlantic ocean to the destination that’s been in my heart all this time: the Americas. I landed in Cancun, Mexico 3 days ago and have been staying with a friend in Puerto Morelos while I find my feet. That’s the sunrise view from my balcony on the first morning.
It’s such a joy to be here, I feel so blessed and centered within myself. This is how I know that I am exactly where I’m meant to be. After sweeping through the stunning frozen city of London with 1 degree Celsius weather, coming to the humid coastlines of the Caribbean is a surprise to my body but slowly, with the help of delicious fresh avocados and coconuts, not to mention mole and tamales, I’m finding my place!
Tomorrow afternoon I’m off to Palenque, to celebrate the new age of ascension on the 21st of December at the foot of the ancient Mayan ruins with thousands upon thousands of other people. I’m not quite sure what will greet me when I get there… A friend of mine described the site as “beautiful and dirty at the same time”. I have a fear that there will be ensuing chaos… We will see and I promise to report back!
In the meantime I wanted to share a few snippets of life here in a Puerto Morelos. Things that have made me smile. I think they might make you smile too.
The Enchanting Charms of a Three Year Old
On my first day in Puerto Morelos we went to the beach in the afternoon and happened to run into friends of my kind host here, who had to a little three year old boy called Leo.
Whilst the men talked shop at the beach bar, I went off on my own to soak up the sun on my towel by the waters edge. Their little boy decided to follow me armed with his play date arsenal of buckets, spades, a rake and a truck. He settled down beside me and decided to impress me with his truck, how fast it could go and the tracks he could make in the sand. So I decided to build him a few sandcastles with his bucket which completely mesmerised him, particularly when I exclaimed “taadaa” every time I lifted the bucket and a sand castle appeared from beneath.
From that moment on Leo was quite taken by me, and started showing off with his smooth dancing moves and flirting with me like a typical Latin American would. I was particularly amused when I asked him how old he was to which he replied “cinqo” (5). Ha ha, lying about his age already!
Even when his dad asked him to play football and his friend wanted to go swimming with him, he refused telling them that he “puedo jugar con la chica” (I have to play with the girl)! I must admit that he did charm me with his cute little dimpled smile and the way his chubby little legs ran to show me how fast he could chase the waves! Our little play date ended with a kiss on the cheek and a promise to play together again next time.
It was the sweetest, most innocent, pure fun I’ve had in far too long. It was so healing and soothing for me to just enjoy the simple happiness of life after a full on adventure in Europe. Bliss!
Enjoying the Simple Things
Yesterday we ran into another friend of my hosts, a local who has a generous smile for everyone and simple, contented manner. When asked what was going on and how he was he replied “I am trying to decide what to eat for dinner….” It was 3pm in the afternoon. What an idyllic, beautiful life you live when your greatest thoughts are about what to have for your next meal!
Beware Crocodiles!
I walked to the local bus station this morning to arrange for my bus to Palenque tomorrow afternoon, which is located 3kms from the pier and beach where I am staying. There are mangroves all along the sidewalk leading down into the swamps. As I was gracefully drifting along, lost in my thoughts and daydreams I encounter a sign that says “Cuidado Crocodillos!“.
I’m suddenly feeling rather tensed and aware as I walk along, now inspecting the edges of the pathway for crocodiles and mistaking every log, leaf, tyre and stone for a possibly dangerous scaled enemy that is sure to want to eat me! I look around and realise that no one else is waking this pathway! Is it because of crocodiles?!
After some time I relax and return to my daydreams, only to encounter a second sign warning me “Cuidado Crocodillos!“. Eeek! Again I tense up and keep my eye out for the large reptiles that potentially are lurking in the dark swampy waters waiting for a tasty treat like myself to show up. Again after a kilometer or so forget about it and relax again. This cycle repeats itself all the way to the bus station at the end of which I laugh at myself and also promise myself not to walk that path again.
Ha ha! Welcome to Mexico!
Vienda x
by Vienda | 26 Aug 2012 | Travel + Freedom
We have all been there.. Riding the crest of the wave, life is flowing beautifully, you know which direction you’re heading and things feel good.
Then suddenly, you blink for a moment and life throws you a curve ball. Now things are not going quite the way you’d like, your values and beliefs are being challenged and you become aware of resistance to what is happening build up within you.
This is an exercise in letting go of control, finding a new balance and harmony and way for your life to flow. It’s an opportunity to grow, and learn and become better and stronger. It’s the world waking you up again a little, shaking you and asking “Did you get a little too comfortable? Are you still following your bliss?”
This is where I’ve been the last month or so. I’ve been travelling which is normally a relaxing, fulfilling and inspiring experience for me, however this time it’s more of a challenge. A challenge of where I stand within my beliefs and values, and what is actually true for me. A challenge to walk my talk and take things a little deeper. A challenge to find joy in the curve ball, to embrace when things go differently than I would prefer. A challenge to be more accepting, let go of control but simultaneously speak out what I need and want, and to follow my heart.
It’s not been easy, as I struggle from time to time with what I feel to be true. My mind and heart are making me more aware that I need to be more present, more connected at all times in order to make good choices for myself. I know this lesson well and appreciate learning it again at this time when I clearly need to.
Clearly, as with all of life, travelling is as much a spiritual journey as it is a physical one. The two are never separated.
I promised to keep you updated with my movements so here is what I’ve been up to:
In Lisbon I decided, along with a friend, that we would go and see some friends in Amsterdam, an adventurous jaunt through 5 countries in Europe; Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium and then the Netherlands. And that we would hitchhike. The last time I lived in Europe about 5 years ago I used to hitchhike quite a lot. It’s safe, easy and socially accepted and I often quickly made it through parts of Spain, France and Italy very quickly.
This time our attempts of hitch hiking proved more challenging. Whether it was because I was hitching with a boy or because Portugal isn’t familiar with giving lifts to strangers I do not know, but having discussed the perils of hitching in Portugal with other travellers in hindsights whom expressed the same difficulty, we settled at the fact that it’s not so common in this country.
We made it from Lisbon to the holy town of Fatima in about a day and a half, only about 215 kilometres, where we decided to change our tactics. Surreptitiously, we happened to arrive in Fatima on a day where thousands of pilgrims come together from throughout Europe to celebrate and pray to the Virgin Mary. I believe that everything happens for a reason, not being either religious nor having planned to be in this city at this time, and we decided to stay for a couple of days and take in the religious ambience and beauty. It was really very stunning to see over 10,000 people gather around the huge cathedral, hear the choir and organ echo across the wide piazza and be enchanted with the many voices melting together as they speak their prayers. Wishing for peace and love and harmony for themselves, their families and the world. All by the light of a candle held by each person, flickering gently in the warm summer breeze.
Then it was off to Paris, this time by bus. It was the only mode of transport from Fatima possible and it gave us plenty of time to enjoy the passing landscapes. We arrived in Paris 24 hours later in Porté de Bagnolet in the east of Paris and stayed in the wonderfully chic and edgy Mama’s Shelter hotel, more of which I will tell you about another time. All I can say is that I highly recommend staying in this funky, fascinating and creative hotel chain which is opening up more places in Los Angeles, Singapore and London. After a good nights rest, incredibly fantastic food with a breakfast buffet selection that makes you want to never leave, off we went to play tourists for the day and visit the endearing and beautiful feats of architecture,mart and culture that this city, unlike any other, has to offer. On our second and final night in Paris, we were very warmly and generously hosted by a friend, making us realise that, no matter how beautiful and amazing a hotel, nothing compares to staying with kind, loving and generous people in a real home.
The final leg of this trip was also by bus, from Paris to Amsterdam. The journey is always equal to arriving at a destination, something that I secretly adore, as I love being in-between places. It gives me a feeling of adventure and that anything could happen. We arrived in Amsterdam late on a Friday evening, the city was already in full party mode, with drunk English, Irish and Dutch at every street corner keeping the night alive with their antics. I have been in this incredible city a week, exploring the many canals, alley ways and streets filled with unusual and fascinating art and design and am now in the beautiful town of Haarlem, staying with a very sweet, kind and insightful friend of mine whom I met in India some years ago, Linda.
I’ll be returning to Amsterdam tomorrow and what is next after that is up to the travel Gods! To follow my travelling adventures more closely come join me on Instagram at @vienda_m, it’s such a fun way to connect and keep in touch!
by Vienda | 10 Aug 2012 | Psychology + Soul
As you’ve noticed I’ve been absent for a couple of weeks.
I took a much needed break. I let go of all my commitments, tuned into my life flow and dropped out of the standard lifestyle.
You may remember from my post a few weeks ago here, that I was uncertain which steps to take next. I was dealing with a lot of cognitive dissonance within my personal relationships, my commitments and what I want for myself. This happens from time to time and I welcome it because it’s usually a signal that I’m going through enormous growth and coming to a new level of my life experience and what I am creating with my thoughts, beliefs and actions.
It’s been very interesting to observe the amount of people, people whom I know love me very, very much are resisting my current choice to let go of controlling my life and my environment. They are afraid for me and worry. I’m not sure exactly about what.
But I know, deep within myself that I am always okay. I am always taken care of, even when things appear unusual or uncertain. I have this strong trust in life and in my power to manifest everything that I need and want because I see it happen every day.
So, I’m sure you’re curious to find out what I’ve been up to!
I’m in Portugal right now. On the 26th of July I booked a flight after receiving a ticket gifted from a friend to go to the alternative lifestyle and music festival known as Boom which is held every 2 years. This was my third one. I used to work at these sort of events , they feel like home to me and are a wonderful place to connect with exceptional and beautiful people who share an expansive mindset and are willing to explore their inner worlds as much as the external world.
After Boom I spent a few days helping pull down one of the areas before heading back to the “real world” and have been in Lisbon since last night.
I love Lisbon, it’s full of beautiful architecture and art and of course it’s summer here so the weather is just lovely. I feel very grateful and blessed to be able to have this experience right now and am enjoying the days immensely.
What’s next? We will find out!
by Vienda | 3 Jul 2012 | Psychology + Soul
Tethers are obligations, commitments, memories or beliefs that keep me from fully experiencing all of myself or from moving forward creatively, intuitively and spontaneously.
Tethers bind us to places, people or things and while there is great value in these tethers from time to time, there is also great value in untethering. In letting go.
It was around the time that I wrote You Are Ready, More Than You Know, that I realised that this calling, this yearning in my heart and the message that came out of me in those words was as much for me as it was for you. Is for me. I am ready, more than I know. I am ready to untether, to let go and start facing a new direction.
It was an intuition, a gentle push to go where my heart is calling me and my spirit is yearning for. It’s time to walk my talk and take that leap of faith to a place that people don’t often go. Into the dream-world. Into the unknown. Into the immeasurable. I have heard the calling. I listened and I said to my soul “You know where I want to go. What my dreams are and the joys I want to experience. If I let go, will you take me there?“
The answer came back crystal clear. “Trust and I will take you there.”
So I am untethering.
A new movement has filled my world and one by one my life has started to change direction. I started off with plans to finish my “day job” and go full-time working for myself with writing and coaching. I could feel I was ready to take that step. I am untethering from the illusion of the safety of receiving a salary every fortnight instead of trusting in my own money-making abilities and that the universe would conspire to support me in whatever I need. I recognise that I don’t need to “make a living” as I am already alive. I know that I can just BE, do the things that I love and everything will fall into place. Just keep following the love.
Then some more twists and turns occurred and I recognised the calling to leave Sydney. I am untethering from structured city living. This part of the process surprised me. Although I was definitely on the path to go traveling in the near future, I was certain I still had another 6 months in the picturesque and intricate, twisted city. Sydney has been the first place in many years that I have settled down and grown some roots. But life called out with explicit signs that it was time to move on. The north wind picked up and said to me “Girl, it’s time to go. Follow your dreams.”
I am untethering from routines, from social expectations, from structured life and from everyday commitments. I am restructuring the things that I do so that I am no longer tied to them, but rather living out what feels to be right for me in each any every moment. I will still be writing, Because I LOVE it. I will still be coaching. Because I LOVE it. But how and when may change as I figure it all out.
This is what’s happening:
- Saturday 7 July 2012 I am departing Sydney, driving north to visit friends and my mum for a few weeks.
- I am going to take some time and space to re-evaluate EVERYTHING and where I want to take things from here. What is important to me.
- I will still be writing and posting on schedule as much as possible. If things are little unusual around here, I am sure you will understand. But I will most certainly be here.
- I have weaned all of my physical 1 to 1 coaching clients in Sydney off or converted them to Skype or email sessions if we still have more work to do. I am so grateful and joyful for all of my clients and their generous understanding!
- In the time between now and the end of this month I am going to book a one way flight. Location yet undetermined.
- The rest I am still yet to figure out.
I am untethering myself from a common or traditional way of life and concurrently am spreading my wings and re-learning how to fly. Because the only way for me to learn to fly is to jump out of the nest.
By the end of this month I will have bought a one way plane ticket. To where exactly I am not yet sure. I will let you know. I invite you to embark on this journey of truth, love and self-discovery with me. Let’s see where it can take us!
xo Vienda