Week 3: Step 1 of 4 Steps to Self Realisation

  1. A soulful operation:

Open yourself up and examine who you really are.

Find a quiet place where you can get extremely comfortable. Find a lovely pice of paper and your favourite pen. Do it old-school. Use your hands for this one. Leave technology alone.
Maybe prepare a cup of tea or a homemade lemonade.  Settle in.  Get cozy.
Begin asking yourself: who am I?
Wait. Listen within. Take a sip of tea.
Wait some more until the answer starts flowing. Let it flow until every possible aspect of who you are is entirely exhausted. Maybe you need another piece of paper.
Go to the edge. Beyond reason. What does who you are FEEL like? If you were able to see yourself from an external point of view how would you describe yourself and your innate gifts, talents + characteristics?
Some of you might start with more pragmatic answers like: I am an account, a mother, a student, a daughter and so on, however this isn’t really WHO YOU ARE. Those are roles that you perform.
Then slowly your answers might start to look like: I love singing (your are musical) I love taking care of others (you are a nurturer) etc: wild, imaginative, a healer, thoughtful, creative, spontaneous, magical. Keep going until you have found every word that you can think of that describes who you are.
If you can’t wait a whole 6 weeks for the uncover your authentic self + live on purpose ::: the FREE radical self realisation guide then signup here and access the whole thing within moments…. exciting isn’t it!
You can find the rest of the course here: IntroWeek 1. Week 2. Week 3Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

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