Instinct and intuition play fundamental roles, with Mercury in Scorpio this October.
We are so much stronger than we realize. We have so much wisdom within, and the Universe knows this.
I have arrived at a point in my life where I simply no longer doubt my intuition. If someone or something feels off… If something makes me feel angry… If I have a strong sense that I need to cancel something or contact someone or do something… I just do it. I respond, immediately, without waiting for a logical explanation, or permission or external validation.
The peril when I don’t listen is too great. I’ve had too many lessons, that I cannot ignore. I’ve learned that when I override my intuition I pay with having to retrace my steps and take the harder, longer route.
In a time where self-love is casually thrown around as a trend that you can meet with bubble baths and expensive facials… when the greatest act of self-love you can commit is to trust yourself entirely and the greatest rebellion following that trust up with faithful action.
In a time where we are being bombarded more than ever with information, and incessantly being told what to do and how to do it, there has never been a more important time to learn to tune in and develop your intuition and inner navigation system.
During this month of October, we are really being encouraged to level up and get intimately familiar with our inner wisdom and advance our soul growth, with this year’s final Mercury Retrograde seems to give us some breathing room to dive in deep. Instinct and intuition play fundamental roles, with Mercury in Scorpio this October.
In recognition and support of this month of deepening into our intuitions, I am opening enrolments to my popular 15-day digital course IntuiMethod. Get updates and receive a 20% discount:

Your role in this timeless, epic struggle is noble, valorous, and necessary. Heed the calling of your intuition. Stand and go forth.
To inspire you, I’m sharing some of my own stories and journey’s around intuition with you, here:

8 self-care products to amplify your intuition

While I touch on the importance of self-care in my new course IntuiMethod because when we take care of ourselves we become a clear channel towards what our body, heart, and soul most needs, I focus mostly on the psychological aspects and practices that amplify your intuition. They are the ones that make the… Continue Reading


The only thing you need to connect to your intuition.

 The last few days I’ve been thinking a lot about truth. Although I’ve not been one to follow media and mainstream news, it has been hard to ignore in recent months, weeks, days…   We live with this huge influx of information from every direction telling us what to do, buy and believe, often conflicting.… Continue Reading

Intuition is seeing with the soul.

  Intuition is seeing with the soul. — Dean Koontz   Intuition is a phenomenon of bridging the heart and the mind, through an intangible sense or feeling. It describes the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of logical reasoning. The word “intuition” comes from Latin verb “intueri” translated to the word… Continue Reading


The most valuable thing I have ever learned, + all about clarity, intuition + intention

The most valuable thing I have ever learned is to simply believe in the possibilities that await me and to allow myself to be available, and to say “yes”.   Let’s assume that life — is alive. A living, breathing, loving, reactive entity with unexplainable emotions, which follows a set of simple spiritual laws. Continue Reading

The Difference Between Intuition + Fear

Have you ever wondered whether that strong thought or belief that has crossed in the hemisphere between your brows and your crown is real? Sometimes to have the insight of real TRUTH can be a challenging thing as the mind chatter is noisy and makes it hard to distinguish between the clarity of intuition and… Continue Reading

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