remember that.
sometimes we rush about trying to grasp our “opportunities” ~ to reach our dreams + goals. sometimes we need a reminder that it’s unnecessary. because it will come to you.
I woke up this morning with three reminders in my inbox with exactly this phrase.
“what’s for you won’t pass you by”
clearly I needed that reminder. the world was making sure I got it. maybe you need it too.
in a time where everyone is rushing about making their lists of goals + new year’s resolutions and taking the new year by the horns so to speak, perhaps it’s also time to take a step back and allow things to gestate. + trust. that you will get exactly what you need + want at exactly the right time. because you will.
know what you want. yes. remain clear + focused. yes. but you can stop trying so hard. right now.
we are taught to “go for it”. get it. catch it. strive for it. plan it. pursue. push. harder. faster. better. MAKE IT HAPPEN. TRY. GO. DO. they are such poignant words.
what would happen if you knew that all you had to do is ::: show up. be present. do what you love. follow your heart. give your gifts. + allow the rest to come.
you are special. unique. what’s for you is entirely different to what’s for someone else. there’s enough for everybody. deep down you know it.
lean back. relax. breathe. allow. sense it all coming. at just the right time.
there is a delightful comfort and sense of relief when we fully know + allow ourselves to experience that trust the comes with knowing that you will get what you need + want. that everything will be okay. in fact it may just be wonderful. it will probably blow your mind.
be aligned with what is. have faith. not only does it feel good. it makes life so much easier. you know it. I know it.
because what’s for you won’t pass you by.

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